2016 A past forgotten is a future repeated
The 2016 Conference Proceedings are proudly sponsored by Anglo American Coal.

- Clough, Geography, History and Zero Harm
- Johnston, Can Safety Really Be Improved in Challenging Times? Learning the Lessons From Elsewhere.
- Quinlan, Learning from the past: Pattern causes of death and disaster in extractive industries
- Sim, New lessons from an old hazard – Black lung in coal miners
- Stephens, If we understand the failures of the past, why do we continue to repeat those mistakes in the present?
Concurrent Sessions
- Albury, Lessons we seem to have forgotten
- Austin, How to handle a shrinking budget – the law
- Bulger, The Dangers of Equipment & Vehicle Interaction (are we gambling with the risk?)
- Burgess-Limerick and Lynas, Measuring whole-body vibration at surface and underground coal mines
- Callinan, Why are so many contractors involved in fatalities and serious accidents?
- De Kock, A scenario-based comparison of underground coal mine proximity detection systems
- Harris, The management of risk factors associated with FIFO workers’ mental ill-health
- Hitchcock, Re-entering a sealed heating: How gas indicators change
- Kelly, Respirable Dust Monitoring for Underground Coal Mines
- Krasny, Stigma of fatigue: The motivation to change culture
- Mackay, Our People: Strata Defects: Detailed Planning
- Mitchell, New Hope Group Peer Support Program
- Taylor, Real-time Gravimetric Personal Monitoring of Respirable Dust
- Watkinson, Learnings from 18 Level 1 Emergency Exercises
- Westthorp, Application of the QMRS GAG at Crinum North Mine
- Weule, SH2 presentation
- Wu, Gillies and Khan, Review of Dust Control Strategy Optimisation using Real-time Respirable Dust Monitoring
Written Papers
- Austin, How to Handle a Shrinking Budget – The Law
- Bongers and Fisher, Empowering Miners to Eliminate Fatigue
- Brady, Wedded to Our Tools, Why Expertise Can Hold Us Back
- Bulger, Equipment & Vehicle Interaction (are we gambling with the risk?)
- Burgess-Limerick and Lynas, Measuring whole-body vibration at surface and underground mines
- Callinan, Why are so many contractors involved in fatalities and serious accidents?
- Coghlan, Production is our #1 Priority-not safety
- De Kock and Bennett, A scenario-based comparison of underground coal mine proximity detection systems
- Harris, The management of risk factors associated with FIFO workers’ mental ill-health
- Hassall and Boyle, Addressing Tyre Risks with Critical Control Management – A Collaborative Industry Project
- Hitchcock, Re-entering a sealed heating: How gas indicators change
- Kelly, Respirable Dust Monitoring for Underground Coal
- Mackay, Our People: Strata Defects: Detailed Planning
- Management of Diesel Exhaust Exposure Maximising the Protection of our People (refer to summary report developed on behalf of BHP Billiton by the Institute of Occupational Medicine)
- Mitchell, New Hope Group Peer Support Program
- Randolph, Results of Depositional Tests for Combustible Dust
- Reid, George Fisher Mine: Leading with Safety
- Watkinson, Learnings from 18 Level 1 Emergency Exercises
- Westthorp, Application of the QMRS GAG at Crinum North Mine
- Weule, Shift Handover Excellence – The overlooked key to safety and production performance
- Wu, Gillies and Khan, Review of Dust Control Strategy Optimisation using Real-time Respirable Dust Monitoring
- WINNER – Yarrabee Coal Company, Occupational Health Initiative for Management of Staff Absenteeism
- HIGHLY COMMENDED – Glencore, Clermont Coal Open Cut Mine, Mates in Mining Pilot Mine
- WINNER – Anglo American, Portable Chilled Air for Underground Mining
- HIGHLY COMMENDED – Glencore Ernest Henry Mining, SIMBA Longhole Drill Rod Handler
- PEOPLE’S CHOICE – Anglo American, Portable Chilled Air for Underground Mining
Other finalists:
- Anglo American Coal – Dawson Mine, Conveyor Pulley Replacement Tool
- Anglo American, Longwall Boot-end Guard
- Ernest Henry Mine Technical Services – Underground, Borehole Deviation Survey Device with Simba L6_C (LTDZ-2000
- Hastings Deering (Australia) Limited Dawson Mine, 797B Rear Strut Change-out Tool
- Hastings Deering (Australia) Limited, D11 Track Installation Tool
- Incitec Pivot Limited – Phosphate Hill Operations, Underpan Spray Bar Design
- Incitec Pivot Limited – Phosphate Hill Operations, Safer ammonia draining system without fugitive ammonia losses
- Rio Tinto Weipa Operation, S3 Weigher Belt Lifting Frame
The images from past Conferences are made available for your viewing and downloading with the compliments of the Conference Commitee and Mark Duffus Photography.