Information on preparing Health Program Submissions
Closing date for submissions extended to COB Friday 4 June 2022
Click on the links below to access the submission details and the Submission Form for the Health Program Awards
Call for Health Program Award Submissions Brochure
Submission Form for the Health Program Award
Aim: The Queensland Mining Industry Health and Safety Conference Health Program Award aims to recognise creative and practical solutions to personal and occupational health problems and to promote their application across the Queensland Resources Industry.
Entry: Entry is open to all Queensland resources companies and sites, contractors (minerals, coal, quarries, exploration, oil and energy) associated with the Queensland resources industry. There is no limit on the number of entries that may be submitted.
Scope: This award is for the Health Program leading to most improved workers’ health where “Health Program” is defined as either an initiative or on going program addressing a specific issue, which has resulted in or will lead to a real benefit to resources sector workers.
Health Programs eligible for the Awards include;
- Lifestyle programs to support the needs of workers: promoting physical and/or mental wellbeing;
- Solutions to an identified occupational health hazard that will minimise workers’ exposure by managing the hazard at its source or interrupting its pathway, and that will provide a measurable long term benefit (e.g. noise; ergonomics solutions, etc);
- Development of a healthier work procedure;
- Introduction of innovative occupational health initiatives and/or programs (e.g. fitness for duty programs, healthy eating programs, occupational health hazard reduction programs).
This list is indicative only. Submissions on health initiatives that lie outside the above scope but can be demonstrated to have provided real benefits to the health of workers are also encouraged.
While the ‘program’ may not yet or ever be fully completed or finalised, the judges are seeking more than a concept – there must be a level of implementation already in progress.
The Winner will receive $3,000.00 towards the cost of attending a ‘Health’ related conference of their choice and as approved by the Conference Committee.
They will also receive a Perpetual Trophy, a Queensland Mining Industry Health Program Award Trophy and a Framed Certificate. The presentation of the Awards will be made at the Conference Dinner.
The 2022 Health Program Award Prize is proudly sponsored by
Health Program Winners for 2019
- WINNER: Fit for Change, New Hope Group
- HIGHLY COMMENDED: A Clinical, Radiological and Occupational Review of Coal Mine Dust Lung Disease in Queensland, Wesley Dust Disease Research Centre